South Sound Chapter of PSA is organized as a social club that is granted non- profit status by IRS 501(c) (7). Incorporated pursuant Washington State RCW 24.03.035
For information regarding our Bylaws and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), & AOI, select from the links below: Revised December 20, 2017.
South Sound Chapter (SSC) of Puget Sound Anglers (PSA) is a membership driven organization located in Olympia, Washington.
Our Mission: Puget Sound Anglers is an organization comprised of 19 independent chapters, with common goals and interests, bound only by integrity and fellowship, with the goal of preserving, protecting and enhancing the sport fisheries of Washington State.
History: In 1985, a small group of sport fishing anglers in western Washington became unhappy with the national fishing organization to which they belonged. Although they enjoyed the friendship and knowledge of persons with the same fishing interests, they were tired of seeing the leadership using the members as rungs on their own political ladders.
They were tired of their membership dues going to out-of-state enhancements thousands of miles away, to pay salaries on the national level and these officials did not care or even try to not understand our local needs. They were tired of being refused the right allowing input on legislation issues that involved their own fisheries.
It was time for a change, and thus was spawned THE PUGET SOUND ANGLERS.
Mission: THE PUGET SOUND ANGLERS is an organization of independent chapters, with common goals and interests, bound only by integrity and fellowship, with the goal of preserving, protecting, and enhancing the sport fisheries of Washington State.
The general outline of the organization is for each chapter to retain an independent nature. A State Board was formed which all chapters belong. This board is responsible to those chapters and promote general membership in the organization. A working committee of the State Board is the resource Management Committee, which has the great responsibility of working to improve fishing in the state.
In addition, it was to help communications among chapters regarding fund raising and projects of interest to all members.
Results: There are currently 16 PUGET SOUND ANGLERS chapters throughout western Washington. These chapters all belong to the Puget Sound Anglers State Board. This is the fastest growing sport fishing organization in the state.
Puget Sound Anglers have been involved in stream enhancements, educational forums, state legislation & Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife advisory committees. We also participate in fishing with children through a joint project called Kast for Kids. We have developed a program whereby our members take a returning GI's fishing.
Members have been involved in stream enhancements, educational forums, state legislation, remote site incubators hatching salmon, fishing with children and even assisting developmentally disabled persons catch their first fish. One chapter has an outing for the blind.
Many of our chapters put on salmon derbies each year whereby some of the profits are returned to the community as donations for worthy causes.
We have many of our members appointed to WDFW advisory committees, where we work with WDFW in establishing steelhead, salmon, bottomfish, halibut, crab & shrimp catch quotas & seasons.
Our members are now being quoted in the newspapers and interviewed by radio and television reporters. Their response to PUGET SOUND ANGLERS has been overwhelming as the organization is rapidly becoming known as "The voice of Washington's sport anglers."
Benefits: In addition to the the previously mentioned projects, all members have a chance to learn more about fishing, go on organized club outings, take part in projects and build life long friendships with the other members.
Each chapter has a monthly general meeting at which fish stories are discussed, guest speakers are provided and there are even raffles to give you a chance to add to your tackle box.
The membership outings may have you fishing at your back door, west to the Pacific Ocean for salmon or halibut, north toward Canada or even into Mexico. There is also competition between the chapters as they try to lose the "Dreaded Swine Cup."
History of South Sound Chapter (SSC): The South Sound Chapter's organizational meeting was held in a Pizza parlor in Lacey November of 1998 and we have not looked back since.
South Sound chapter had been selected to be a contact for WDFW for their bottomfish, black rockfish, tagging projects off the coast out of Westport. This is a project that a boat is chartered by WDFW & we supplied bodies to fish for & tag rockfish out of Westport to help determine their movements and growth when later caught. This method uses the location where released & also caught again by a charter boat, using the coded wire tag's number which was recorded at a original GPS location. Currently, WDFW has a link on their website for volunteers to sign up.
All paid members of the South Sound chapter receive a monthly copy of THE REEL NEWS. This newspaper is not a PSA publication, however, the editor was one of the founding fathers of PSA. This publication is a communication vehicle for all serious sport anglers in the state. It provides you with up to date fishing legislation, how & where to stories, new products, recipes, most chapter president's messages, and issues of information that is vital to your sport.
Our chapter also sends out an electronic e-mail newsletter & by snail mail to our members who do not have computers. One thing to remember, it is your responsibility to keep us informed of any address changes, e-mail or street. We also keep you informed by passing on new WDFW news releases & other current information pertaining to fishing in our region. You are looking at our website. We also have a Face Book page.
Our normal average number of members is 125, of which we normally get about 1/2 that regularly attend our meetings.
We do not provide, nor allow alcohol to be consumed at any of our meetings.
Our meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month at the Woodland Creek Community Center 6729 Pacific Avenue, SE Lacey, WA 98503, beginning at 7 PM.
Our Members Volunteer
for Many Worthwhile Projects
(1) Lacey Parks & Recreation yearly Fishing Kids at Longs Pond South Sound Chapter of PSA has taken on the lead entity in this project.
Here many of our members volunteer for the day long event whereby kids are given orientation as to fishing ethics, & instruction & exposure to trout fishing. It is a great feeling to see the facial expression on a youngster when they hook & land their first trout.
(2) Long Live The Kings, flood reclamation project. After the December 2007 flooding, the Lilliwaup LLTK hatchery was devastated. Our members spent 2 days there cleaning, painting, removing debris, moving sediment & down trees, cutting up major debris log jams & just plain helping in any way we could. We also later helped in their "Pumping" Steelhead eggs from the gravel in the Duckabush River to the end in raising these eggs & later releasing the fingerlings into rivers of the Hood Canal.
(3) Take a GI fishing
This program is designed to take a returning combat GI on a 1 on 1 salmon fishing trip to show our appreciation for their commitment.
(4) Members of WDFW advisory committees
Some members volunteer & or are appointed to set on WDFW advisory committees ranging from Blackmouth, Bottomfish, Halibut, & river basin areas like Grays Harbor & Willapa Bays.
(5) Attendees to WDFW "North of Falcon" process of yearly salmon season setting meetings where we have a few dedicated members who take their time to attend these meetings in the spring. These meetings range from Columbia River, Coastal, & Puget Sound, where information is shared & a common ground is established whereby sportspersons & commercials negotiate for allocations of salmon yearly.
(6) Attending & testifying at WDFW commission meetings
There are times when to make our views heard, we have to step up & make our voice known.
(7) Nutrient enhancement of salmon carcasses back into the rivers
When available, we help place spawned out carcasses back into the rivers to aid in nutrient enhancement for the young fish.
(8) Boat launch facility clean-up
About everyone of our members carry a garbage sack & make it a habit of stopping at boat launches & picking up garbage.
(9) Donate money to worthwhile fish oriented groups.
If sufficient excess is available in our bank account, we search out worthy non-profit organizations & donate money to promote their & our visions.
(10) Volunteer to man WDFW kids fishing tanks at the Puyallup fair
Our chapter has been recognized & honored by WDFW for it's volunteering to man the kids fish tanks over the past years.
(11) Volunteer for WDFW rockfish tagging trips out of Westport
This is one job that our coordinator has no problem in getting volunteers. This activity is a research between WDFW & the Westport Charter fleet with the purpose of catching & tagging Black Rockfish for the purpose of finding how far they travel from the tagging area. The charter fleet drops off the rockfish carcasses at a dock that WDFW uses a scanner to locate tagged caught fish. This information then is assembled in a format that gives fish movement information. You can also volunteer directly on the WDFW web site by filling out their form.
(12) Participate in Yelloweye/Canary Rockfish shallow water by-catch survey
Here for a couple of years on the north coast (2004-5), Neah Bay & LaPush WDFW gave out a sample kit which contained a disposable camera & chart whereby the fisherperson if they caught one of these fish that could not be retained in a water depth close to the fathom boundary, you took a photo of it, recorded length & GPS location of the catch & then at the end of your fishing stay, turn the kit back to WDFW for reconciliation of the info gained.
(13) We remove trash from the Skookumchuk River each February and have participated in cleaning up several other river banks.
For members who need to be reimbursed for authorized club expenses a printable form to fill out & give to our treasurer is in the Documents section of this page.
As of February 7th 2008, South Sound Chapter, PSA held a special board meeting specifically for the discussion & voting on whether the chapter to provide liquor at our chapter meetings. At this meeting, with a quorum present & after a brief discussion, a vote was called. The vote was unanimous by the board members present, not to serve nor allow alcohol at chapter meetings. The motion read "To cease providing liquor or allowing it to be consumed at all chapter meetings starting immediately".
Organizational documents pertaining to the Puget Sound Anglers South Sound Chapter.
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